Here are the stories we MADE FUN OF…
we mean “covered” this week
We are stupid comedians from NJ who make comedy and NFT’s.
We also do the show Comedians Talk to NFT Stars and our latest is Episode 2 with Poly Annie. The audio podcast is up now & you can still purchase the NFT on secondary
We are trying to help introduce comedy into Web3. The Comedians Talk to NFT Stars Format is that we release a free audio podcast of the entire show, promotional video clips on social media, BUT the only way to get the full, 30 minute video is by FREE NFT. We do this with an Open Edition Mint that is available for one week only and then available on the secondary market after that. You get a short preview clip as your token and then that can be redeemed for the full video.
- Our in depth review of NFTNYC 2023, what was good, what was bad, how it could be better
- Pussy Riot Pitches Metaverse ‘Utopia’ With Virtual Social Network IMVU
- NFT warranties can help mass adoption of the technology, says Web3 exec
- Ethereum concluded its 2 year transition to proof of stake (POS) with the launch of the Shanghai Upgrade